Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday 21 December 2008

Harry's burrito in a bowl (I tend to have the same thing over and over for a while until I get sick of it - then you wont see it for six months) ;) - 5g

Two cups of tea with milk - 2g

65g pistachios, 100g 'raw delux mix' - 25.4
One cup of tea with milk - 1g

4 eggs fried in butter - 2g

Mini protein bar - 3.4g (I went over and over in my mind whether or not to have this because it's so high in carbs... I waited and had water and everything ... decided I truly wanted it, so I had it)

That gives a total of 38.8g carbs for the day. Ok, so now that I've compared the carb number in pistachios to the nut mix (which was only 8g for a larger portion) I wont be choosing these again.

I have displayed the Goodbye picture today as today is the last time I'll see my Benny until the end of Feb when he returns from the US. Very sad day.


  1. I love nuts too I am always afraid I will eat to many. I like sunflower seeds with cottage cheese. Weird.

  2. Hey Erika,
    Benny will be over here with Vadim, Harry and myself. He will be fine. :)
    I know you will miss him. Hang in there. But look at the bright side, when he returns he will return to a beautiful slimmer you!

  3. Hi Erika, I'm glad I'm not the ONLY one giving into tempations. I'm deciding this week WHICH CARB to give into on Christmas Day :) We have a huge dinner here, so I'll have to have a 'small cheat' on something. ...
