Well I had a good day at work today, then went home and for some reason my bf only wanted to watch WCW related stuff. I mean, I like the show, but I was sooooo tired I think I went to sleep lol.
Dinner (finish 8.45pm) - rye wrap with 140g chicken and 135g grated zucchini, a pear.
Thanks for the opinions on the eyebrow tattooing I'm thinking about. I posted it on another forum as well. They suggested I find out everything I can about this place (because no-one seems to be able to recommend anywhere else) and speak to some of their previous clients.
Well I called yesterday and they were happy to give me a phone number of a person they had treated that had also brought in her sisters because she was so happy!
I'll give her a call today.
At the clinic I have been quizzing, they do what they call 'feathering' which is like the picture I have posted above. See how the lines mimic hairs rather than just a solid block? And if you're not sure why you don't want a solid block......
Breakfast (finish 9.15am) - 200g yogurt, a pear, today's seed mixture and a cup of sweetened peppermint tea.
Lunch (finish 2.45pm) - small serving of lentil soup, 2/3 of half a tomato (the rest was in the soup), an apple and salad with oil/vinegar dressing. Cup of black sweetened tea.
Does anyone know anyone that has had their eyebrows tattooed? I'm thinking about getting it done bc my eyebrows are so sparse that I have to get them tinted often and even then one of my eyebrows only looks half-length.
Breakfast (finish 9am) - 200g yogurt, a pear and half of today's seed mixture.
Lunch (finish 2.35pm) - 130g tuna in my oil with spinach, celery and zucchini.
Dinner (finish 9.05pm) - 145g boiled zucchini with 140g fish, rest of the seed mixture and an apple.
Having a good day today. A few tricks I've been talking with people about have been really helping out. Also my usual meditation starts back tomorrow. Looking forward to it, yay!
Been doing a lot of relaxation a lot the last few days, I think it's really helping. I'm finding I sleep when I go to bed and I wake up before my alarm goes off. I'm still a bit tired during the day, but I can see the improvements so that's great!!
I've lost all motivation. I don't know why specifically, but I think it has something to do with being overwhelmed with stress in my life and the lack of interest I have in the "allowed" foods these days.
Both of those combined means I had two pieces of seed bread with butter and vegemite for brekky this morning.
I haven't gone anywhere, I just don't feel like blogging today.
Been a bit upset (well, more yesterday) and stressed so I haven't been able to eat much.
I'm about to go to bed, not hungry at all but the last time I ate was 2pm today (it was the only meal for the day) of tuna in my oil on lettuce and an apple.
Lunch (finished 2.35pm) - 130g smoked chicken, 135g green capsicum, lettuce, a pear.
Dinner (finished 7.15pm) - 140g tuna**, 145g mushrooms and broccoli**.
Had to have dinner half an hour earlier today because I needed to rush off to meditation - it was either that or skip the meal altogether. Don't want to be doing that tho!
Happy Father's Day everyone! For Father's Day this year, my mum and my step-dad went to a winery about 30-40min away and had a gorgeous lunch. I had a vegetable lasagne (boy was I pleased when I found out it didn't contain any pasta!) which was mainly eggplant, capsicum and cheese. There were prob other veggies in there I couldn't identify, but it was really a veggie stack with some cheese. Yum! I skipped on dessert. Oh, had a sip of a really expensive wine too (just to see what expensive, award-winning wine was like).
So I've spent most of today and last night watching youtube vids with makeup and hair tutorials. I tried out one of the looks, this one:
It actually came out ok! I know NOTHING about makeup, never really wear the stuff. I didn't even know there was such thing as primer and although I tried to follow this, I don't own bronzer, brushes or much else of what she was using. Anyway, I was still pleasantly surprised so if I can make a day-time, work-appropriate version, I might see if I can make this a bit more regular. I've already picked up on my skin moisturisation and lip gloss (ah la a post I made ages ago about grooming).
So, it's just the next step! I'll take a pic next time and post it here for a bit of scrutiny :)
Breakfast (finish 8.30am) - 200g yogurt, a pear, seed mixture.
Lunch (finish 2.25pm) - 130g turkey, 112g mushrooms (they were heavier this morning!).
Dinner (finish 8pm) - 75g edam, 145g broccoli* and an apple.
Sorry I have been brief the last few days, it's been so busy lately! I haven't watched a single television program in days (which I think is a good thing). In previous houses I didn't have a TV at all for a good 2 years and didn't miss it, but then things got a bit more complicated in my life and I guess I needed it a bit for the escapism, now a few days without is something. Can't say I miss it though.
The only things I miss are the episodes of TV shows I like that I know aren't available on DVD so if I don't watch them when they are on I'll completely miss them.
Does anyone here consider themselves a mentor at all? If you do, who do you mentor, in what way and most importantly, why?
Breakfast (finish 9.10am) - two hardboiled eggs, 110g (guessed) zucchini.
Lunch (finish 2.50pm) - 140g smoked salmon, cucumber, lettuce, few slices of red onion, seed mixture, an apple.
Dinner (finish 8.45pm) - piece of barramundi 'A La mum' and some salad.
I gulped down lunch today so fast! Was very hungry and that didn't go away when I started to eat (like it usually does). Yay! I love having my proper appetite back, not just be annoyed lol.
Thanks for your feedback, Harry. I think this question might take a bit more thinking then - you raise some good points hehe
Does anyone know how to adjust the blog template here? I want to make it wider so it's not such a tight column. How???
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Breakfast (finish 10.30am) - Seed mixture, 200g yogurt with 100g strawberries and stevia.
Lunch (finish 4.10pm) - 130g smoked chicken in salad with spinach and celery, an apple.
Feeling good today. Actually still as happy as Larry after my weigh in yesterday! I think what I really need to keep an eye on though, is making sure I get in every meal. I don't want my body to think I am under-eating and respond negatively. I spent a long time getting my metabolism back in good working order than I'd like to keep it there.
That's one of the reasons I had the reward meal yesterday (two pieces of vegemite on toast, two pieces of fudge - that's the last of it though - and two biscuits). But it didn't make me feel good. I am trying to un-condition myself with foods like these. If they make me feel yuk (especially the fudge) I need to remember and learn from it. But I'm not.
So, being theoretical, do you think if I have X-amount of good experience with something and Y-amount of bad experiences with it, that X and Y need to be fairly similar in order to learn from it?
Another example, if you have encountered a snake once and it was nice, then once again and it bit you, you might never touch another snake. If you encounter snakes 1000s of times and they're nice, then once and they bite you, you probably would take your chances again.
Do you think food is the same? I need to feel yuk 1000s of times before I'll learn?